Repeal the patronage of the present Artane Band

Tonight before Dublin City Council meeting a motion will be tabled to discontinue the Lord Mayor of Dublin’s patronage of the Artane Band. This band form part of the institutional gulags that are directly connected to the Tuam mother and baby home, the Magdalene Laundry system, the Industrial and reform school system, the orphanages, Bethany Home and the many other sites and centres of injustice to children and women that are scattered around this country.

Please support our campaign to disband the Artane Band.


Bon Secours grounds Tuam


Emergency Motion on behalf of Independent Cllr. Mannix Flynn (IND)

That this meeting of Dublin City Council calls on the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Cllr Brendan Carr, to withdraw the patronage of the Lord Mayor’s Office from the Artane Band.
This patronage causes grave offense and insult to the many who suffered child sexual abuse in the Artane Industrial School, Artane Boys Band and other such Christian Brother Institutions.

It is important to note that the present Artane Band was founded in the Artane Industrial school and continues to wear the insignia and uniform of that industrial school.  Its origins are firmly rooted in the industrial school system and its legacy of crimes against children, further it is still connected to the Christian Brothers organization.


The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Brendan Carr, has continued to ignore the many who are campaigning for justice with regards to what happened in their childhoods in the Artane Industrial school and indeed the Artane Boys Band, where many young children were sexually, emotionally and physically abused, their suffering continues to this day

For the Lord Mayor and chairman of Dublin City Council to continue to be the patron of the Artane Band is an outrage and will bring Dublin City Council’s reputation into disrepute by supporting the legacy of child abuse that took place in Artane Industrial School and the Artane Band. It is important that Dublin City Council and the office of the Lord Mayor distance themselves from this band and its history, which are well documented in the Ryan Report.

It is not the children who are in the band at present, but rather the band that the children are in, and its association with crimes against children. The institution of the Artane Industrial School and the Artane Band are directly connected to the likes of the Tuam Mother and Baby Homes, the Magdalene Laundry system, the Industrial and Reform School system, the Bethany Home and Orphanage system and form a central part of the architecture of containment that was so unjust.

Dublin City Council in this instance is facilitating further harm and suffering to the many victims of child rape and cruelty perpetrated on them while in the Artane Industrial School, home of the Artane Boys Band.

It is a fact that many of those who were abused and child raped by Christian Brothers were members of the Artane Boys Band, now known as the Artane Band.

Time to repeal the patronage of the present Artane Band in the interest of justice

Cllr. Mannix Flynn

3 thoughts on “Repeal the patronage of the present Artane Band

  1. Dear Mannix I met you at the awards ceremony novemver 2016 I have today returned from Dublin I am so upset about the tuem babies magdalens and so on I was in Glassnevin for flowers for magdalens it was very sad I hope to return to Dublin soon again thank you for all you do for this Gabrielle

  2. Good morning,
    Today I was listening to an album, on the cover of which are three young men in military-style uniform, possibly some sort of boys’ brigade I assumed, given their age. Out of curiosity I decided to search the internet to find out more and I cannot comprehend what I have discovered.
    I have read various articles and websites, all of which have horrified me and, quite frankly, made me ashamed of my Irish Catholic heritage. I am experiencing some very strong emotions right now so will be brief, however, I think your work is invaluable as these wrongs needs to be made right, for both future generations and the souls who never stood a chance. I wish you the strength and determination to continue this fight and hope that one day the people who are elected to protect their people finally have the scales fall from their eyes.

    • Hi Katrina, a great many thanks for your generous comments. This is a long, slow process of change. At the heart of it, is this confusion between faith in a church and religious congregation, entangled with faith and trust in a power greater than ourselves and a God, a supreme spiritual of our choice. We have to rid ourselves of such institutions that form themselves deliberately as false Gods. And we have to free ourselves entirely of our own conditioning and institutionalization. It is a great shame that Ireland on its National sporting grounds roles out this band, in this uniform, spouting about the proud legacy. It’s so untrue. Rest assured I will continue with my efforts and my campaign to have this atrocity and insult righted. It’s fantastic to receive your message of support, because it is never the many that encourage me, it’s the person like yourself. Don’t lose your faith, don’t lose your Irishness, just question your loyalties and readjust. Respect and the very best, Mannix

      Ps. You might like to drop a line to the current Lord Mayor of Dublin, Brendan Carr who is the patron of this band

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